Copyright Explained

What are the laws that affect us as Artists?
Copyright protects the artist’s right to reproduce the work (photocopying, copying by hand, filming, recording and scanning), to make the work public for … more
What are the laws that affect us as Artists?
Copyright protects the artist’s right to reproduce the work (photocopying, copying by hand, filming, recording and scanning), to make the work public for … more
Yes. It is sometimes helpful to have different price options for your art, for those people who love your work but can’t afford it or for those people like myself who have no more wall space. Prints, … more
Should Artists Follow Trends?
By Chantalle Grummet, 19 October 202
Artwork titled "Fishy" by Jenny Herbert click on this link to take you to her gallery.
No definitely not but on the other hand … more
Pop up Shop is now open.
LOCATION: Armadale Shopping City Shop 21A, 206 Jull Street, near the food hall.
from 5 October, 2020
OPENING HOURS: Trading Hours Monday—Saturday 9am to 5pm, … more
Whirlwind in the ASA
By Chantalle Grummet
It has been a whirlwind of activity during September and October for the ASA.
In September we had the Armadale Hills Open Studio Arts Trail, which … more
At Art House on Hobbs we are busy getting ready to open our doors tomorrow for the Armadale Hills Arts Trail. Do pop in at 8 Hobbs Drive, Armadale, open 10am to 4pm daily from tomorrow Friday 11 … more
This is a tough question. It is difficult to do because we always have an emotional attachment to work we are proud of. There are a few variables we should consider, comparative prices, material … more
How do you paint, sculpt, print, draw or create your work? As the Armadale Hills Open Studio Arts Trail draws closer I have been thinking about my art making habits. It has been an interesting peek … more
Weighed down with the business and worries of the world? A thread of conversation that has kept cropping up for me this past week has been about escaping worries and troubles by doing art. Not art … more
Lately I have been addicted to challenges, not the world is in a crisis sort though, but the kind that make you do arty things for a month, or even a year! Inktober52 has a prompt a week, … more
Guest Blog Writer
Talking about personal things is very brave on a public forum so I would like to thank Jane Meleisea for contributing this week’s blog! Please respect her bravery and applaud her … more
Well to state the obvious, it is here to stay and how people are buying art. If you have not lived under a rock this year you will know that the world is definitely heading towards that direction in … more
This period of time in history is fraught with anxieties, hardships and change but it can be hard to make and create art with any conditions in any given period.
Where do I find the time?Am I good … more
Armadale Society of Artists – Our Vision
ASA Members recently participated in a vision, values and objectives workshop. We wanted to collect ideas and put them onto a document which would give the … more